Prof. Ofra Mayseless | פרופ׳ עפרה מייזלס
School of Counseling and Human Development
University of Haifa
Publications (English) פירסומים (אנגלית)
1. Mayseless, O. (2016). 'The Caring Motivation: An Integrated Theory.' Oxford University Press
2. Mayseless, O. (2006). (Ed.) Parenting representations: Theory, research, and clinical implications. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
3. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O. (2007). (Eds.) Attachment in Adolescence: Reflections and New Angles: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. (No. 117). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (Wiley). [Reed W. Larson, Lene Arnett Jensen, Editors-in Chief]
1. Soliman, P., & Mayseless, O. (1982). Correlates between mother's employment, father's involvement and child's mental health. Israeli Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 19, 121-127.
2. Nadler, A., Mayseless, O., Peri, N. & Chemerinski, A. (1985). Effects of opportunity to reciprocate and self esteem on help-seeking behavior. Journal of Personality, 53, 23-35. Link to on-line journal
3. Mayseless, O., & Kruglanski, A.W. (1987). What makes you so sure? Effects of epistemic motivations on judgmental confidence. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 39, 162-183. Link to pdf file
4. Kruglanski, A.W., & Mayseless, O. (1987). Motivational effects in the social comparison of opinions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 834- 842. Link to pdf file
5. Mayseless, O., & Kruglanski, A.W. (1987). Accuracy of estimates in the social comparison of abilities. Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, 23, 217- 229. Link to pdf file
6. Kruglanski, A.W., & Mayseless, O. (1988). Contextual effects in hypothesis testing: The role of competing alternatives and epistemic motivations. Social Cognition, 6 ,1-20.
7. Nemeth, C. J., & Mayseless, O. Sherman, J., & Brown, Y. (1990). Exposure to dissent and recall of information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58, 429-437. Link to pdf file
8. Kruglanski, W. A., & Mayseless, O. (1990). Classic and Current Social Comparison Research: Expanding the Perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 108, 195-208. Link to pdf file
[Order of authorship was randomly determined and does not reflect relative contribution]
9. Mayseless, O. (1991). Adult Attachment Patterns and Courtship Violence. Family Relations, 40, 21-28. Link to pdf file
10. Mayseless, O. (1993). Gifted adolescents and intimacy in close same-sex friendships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 22, 135-146. Link to pdf file
11. Sagi, A., Van IJzendoorn, M.H., Aviezer, O., Donnell, F. & Mayseless, O. (1994). Sleeping out of home in a kibbutz communal arrangement: It makes a difference for infant-mother attachment. Child Development, 65, 992-1004. Link to pdf file
12. Scher, A. & Mayseless, O. (1994). Mothers' attachment with spouse and parenting in the first year. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 11, 601-609. Link to pdf file
13. Sagi, A., Van IJzendoorn, M.H., Scharf, M., Koren-Karie, N., Joels, T., & Mayseless, O. (1994). Stability and discriminant validity of the adult attachment interview: A psychometric study in young Israeli adults. Developmental Psychology, 30, 771-777.
14. Mayseless, O. (1996). Attachment patterns and their outcomes. Human Development, 39, 206-223. Link to pdf file
15. Mayseless, O., Danieli, R., & Sharabany, R. (1996). Adults’ attachment patterns and coping with separation. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 25, 667-690. Link to pdf file
16. Mayseless, O. & Gal, R. (1996). Hatred towards Arabs among Israeli high-school students. Studies in Education (Hebrew), 1 (New Series), 159-178.
17. Sagi, A., Van IJzendoorn, M.H., Scharf, M., Koren-Karie, N. Joels, T., Mayseless, O., & Aviezer, O. (1997). Ecological constraints for intergenerational transmission of attachment. International Journal of Behavior Development, 20, 287-299.
18. Scher, A., & Mayseless, O. (1997). Changes in negative emotionality in infancy- the role of mother's attachment concerns. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15, 311-321. Link to pdf file
19. Mayseless, O., Sharabany, R., & Sagi, A. (1997). Attachment concerns of mothers as manifested in parental, spousal and friendship relationships. Personal Relationships, 4, 255-269. Link to pdf file
20. Mayseless, O., Wiseman, H., & Hai, I. (1998). Adolescents’ relationships with father, mother and same gender friend. Journal of Adolescent Research, 13, 101-123. Link to pdf file
21. Mayseless, O., & Hai, I. (1998). Leaving-home transition in Israel: Changes in parents-adolescents relationships and adaptation to military service. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 22, 589-609. Link to pdf file
22. Mayseless, O. (1998). Maternal caregiving strategy - A distinction between the ambivalent and the disorganized profile. Infant Mental Health Journal, 19, 20-33. Link to pdf file
23. Mayseless, O., & Scher, A. (2000). Mother’s attachment concerns regarding spouse and infant’s temperament as modulators of maternal separation anxiety. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 41, 917-925. Link to pdf file
24. Herer, Y., & Mayseless, O. (2000). Emotional and social adjustment of adolescents who show role-reversal in the family. Megamot (Hebrew), 3, 413-441.
25. Popper, M., Mayseless, O., & Castelnovo, O. (2000). Transformational leadership and attachment. The Leadership Quarterly, 11, 267-289. Link to pdf file
26. Scher, A. & Mayseless, O. (2000). Mothers of anxious/ambivalent infants: maternal characteristics and child-care context. Child Development, 71, 1629-1639. Link to pdf file
27. Mayseless, O. (2001) The relationships between parents and adolescents in Israel during the transition to adolescence. Megamot (Hebrew), XLI (1-2), 180-194.
28. Sharabany, R., Mayseless, O., Edri, G., & Lulav, D. (2001) Ecology, childhood experiences, and adult attachment styles of women in the kibbutz. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 25, 214-225. Link to pdf file
29. Granot, D., & Mayseless, O. (2001) Attachment security and adjustment to school in middle childhood. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 25, 530-541.Link to pdf file
30. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O. (2001). The capacity for romantic intimacy: Exploring the contribution of best friend and marital and parental relationships. Journal of Adolescence, 24, 379-399. Link to pdf file
31. Mayseless, O. (2001). Young Israeli men in the transition from adolescence to adulthood: The role of military service. Studies in Education (Hebrew), (New Series) 5 (1), 159-190.
32. Popper, M., & Mayseless, O. (2003). Back to basics: Applying a parenting perspective to transformational leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 14, 41-65. Link to pdf file
[Order of authorship was randomly determined and does not reflect relative contribution]
33. Mayseless, O., Scharf, M., & Sholt, M. (2003). From authoritative parenting practices to an authoritarian context: Exploring the person-environment fit. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 13, 427-456. Link to pdf file
34. Mayseless, O., Bartholomew, K., Henderson, A., & Trinke, S. (2003). “I was more her Mom than she was mine:” Role reversal in a community sample. Family Relations, 53, 78-86. Link to pdf file
35. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O., & Kivenson Bar-on, I. (2004). Adolescents’ attachment representations and developmental tasks in emerging adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 40, 430-444. Link to pdf file
[The first two authors contributed equally to the paper]
36. Mayseless, O. (2004). Home-leaving to military service: Attachment concerns, transfer of attachment functions from parents to peers, and adjustment. Journal of Adolescent Research, 19, 533-558.
37. Wiseman, H., Mayseless, O, & Sharabany, R. (2006). Why are they lonely? Perceived quality of early relationships with parents, attachment, personality predispositions and loneliness in first-year university students. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 237-248. Link to pdf file
38. Mayseless, O., & Scharf, M. (2007). Adolescents’ attachment representations and their capacity for intimacy in close relationships. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 17, 23-50. [Both authors contributed equally to the paper] Link to pdf file
39. Mayseless, O., & Popper, M. (2007). Reliance on leaders and social institutions: An attachment perspective. Attachment & Human Development, 9 (1): 73 – 93. Link to pdf file
40. Popper, M. & Mayseless, O. (2007). The Building Blocks of Leader Development: A Psychological Conceptual Framework. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 28(7), pp. 664-684. [Both authors contributed equally to the paper] Link to pdf file
41. Allison, C. J., Bartholomew, K., Mayseless, O. Dutton, D.G. (2008). Love as a battlefield: Attachment and relationship dynamics in couples identified for male partner violence. Journal of Family Issues, 29, 125-150. Link to pdf file
42. Golden, D. & Mayseless, O. (2008). On the Alert in an Unpredictable Environment. Culture & Psychology, 14 (2): 155-179. Link to pdf file
43. Goldner,L. & Mayseless, O. (2008). 'Juggling the roles of parents, therapists, friends and teachers - a working model for an integrative conception of mentoring', Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning,16 (4), 412 - 428. Link to pdf file
44. Birnbaum, L. , Birnbaum, A. & Mayseless, O. (2008). 'The role of spirituality in mental health Interventions: A developmental perspective'. The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 27, 65-73. Link to pdf file
45. Scharf, M. & Mayseless, O. (2008). 'Late adolescent girls' relationship with parents and romantic partners: The distinct role of mothers and fathers'. Journal of Adolescence, 31: 837-855. Link to pdf file
46. Scharf, M. & Mayseless, O. (2009). 'Socioemotional Characteristics of Elementary School Children Identified as Exhibiting Social Leadership Qualities'. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 170(1): 73-94. Link to pdf file
47. Mayseless, O. & Scharf, M. (2009). 'Too Close for Comfort: Inadequate Boundaries With Parents and Individuation in Late Adolescent Girls'. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 79(2):191-202 Link to the pdf file
48. Goldner, L., & Mayseless, O. (2009). The quality of mentoring relationships and mentoring success. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 1339-1350. Link to pdf file
49. Mayseless, O. (2010). Attachment and the leader-follower relationship. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 27, 271-280. Link to pdf file
50. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O. (2011). Buds of parenting in emerging adult males: what we learned from our parents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 26, 479-505. Link to pdf file
51. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O., & Kivenson-Baron, I. (2011). Leaving the parental nest: Adjustment problems, attachment representations, and social support during the transition from high-school to military service. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 40, 411-423. [First two authors contributed equally]. Link to pdf file
52. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O. (2011). Disorganizing experiences in second and third generation Holocaust survivors. Qualitative Health Research, 21, 1539 – 1553. Link to pdf file
53. Granot, D., & Mayseless, O. (2012). Representations of mother-child attachment relationships and social information processing of peer relationships in early adolescence. Journal of Early Adolescence. 32, 537–564. Link to pdf file
54. Moretti, M., Obsuth, I., Mayseless, O. & Scharf, M. (2012). Shifting internal parent- child representations among caregivers of teens with serious behavior problems: An attachment based approach. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 5, 191- 204. Link to pdf file
55. Scharf, M., Mayseless, O. & Kivenson-Baron. I. (2012). Intergenerational concordance in Adult Attachment Interviews with mothers, fathers and adolescent sons and subsequent adjustment of sons to military service. Attachment and Human Development, 14, 367–390. Link to pdf file
56. Keren, E., & Mayseless, O. (2013). The freedom to choose secure attachment relationships in adulthood. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174, 271-290. Link to pdf file
57. Mayseless O., & Keren, E. (2014). Finding a meaningful life as a developmental task in emerging adulthood: The domains of love and work across cultures. Emerging Adulthood, 2, 63-73. Link to pdf File
58. Russo-Netzer, P., & Mayseless, O. (2014). Spiritual identity outside institutional religion: A phenomenological exploration. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 14, 19-42. Link to pdf file
59. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O., & Kivenson-Baron, I. (2015). The viability of the Parenting Representations Interview for assessing and measuring change in parents of adolescents. Attachment and Human Development, 17, 199-219.
60. Gavron, T., & Mayseless, O. (2015). Joint Painting Procedure to assess implicit aspects of the mother-child relationship in middle childhood. Art Therapy, 32(2), 83-88.
61. Scharf, M.,Mayseless, O.& Rousseau, S. (2016). When somatization is not the only thing you suffer from: Examining comorbid syndromes using latent profile analysis, parenting practices and adolescent functioning. Psychiatry Research, 244, 10–18.
62. Russo-Netzer, P., & Mayseless, O. (2017). Spiritual change outside institutional religion as inner work on the self: Deep within and beyond. Journal of Adult Development, 24(1), 1-14.
63. Mayseless, O.& Russo-Netzer, P. (2017). A vision for the farther reaches of spirituality: A phenomenologically based model of spiritual development and growth. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, Vol 4(3), 176-192.
64. Naor, L., & Mayseless, O. (2017). How personal transformation occurs following a single peak experience in nature: A phenomenological account. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, DOI: 0022167817714692.
65. Mayseless, O., & Popper, M. (2019). Attachment and leadership: Review and new insights. Current Opinion in Psychology , 25, 157-161.
66. Naor, L., # & Mayseless, O. (2020). The therapeutic value of experiencing spirituality in nature. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 7(2), 114. [I.F. (2019) = 1.00]
67. Naor, L., # & Mayseless, O. (2020). The art of working with nature in nature-based therapies. Journal of Experiential Education, 1053825920933639. [I.F. (2020) = 1.89]
68. Naor, L., # & Mayseless, O. (2020). The Wilderness Solo Experience: A Unique Practice of Silence and Solitude for Personal Growth. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2303. [I.F. 2019 = 2.067]
69. Freimann, A., # & Mayseless, O. (2020). Surrender to Another Person: The Case of a Spiritual Master. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, DOI: 0022167820975636. [I.F. 2020 = 2.04]
70. Gavron, T., # & Mayseless, O. (2021). Implicit Aspects of Relationships as Predictors of Adjustment in Middle Childhood; Mutual Recognition and Role Confusion. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30(2), 575-589. [I.F. (2020)= 1.31]
71. Naor, L., # & Mayseless, O. (2021). The Therapeutic process in nature-based therapies from the perspectives of facilitators: A qualitative inquiry. Ecopsychology, 13, DOI: 10.1089/eco.2021.0004
72. Naor, L., # & Mayseless, O. (accepted). Therapeutic factors in nature-based therapies: Unraveling the therapeutic benefits of integrating nature in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy. [I.F. (2020)= 6.59]
1. Nadler, A., & Mayseless, O. (1983). Recipient's Self esteem and reactions to Help. In J. D. Fisher, A. Nadler, & B. M. De paulo (Eds.), New Directions in Helping (Vol. I.): Recipient reactions to Help. New York: Academic Press.
2. Gal, R., & Mayseless, O. (1990). Attitudes of Israeli youth towards military service and national security during the Intifada In R. Gal (Ed.), The Seventh War. (pp. 76-84). Tel Aviv, Israel: Hakibbutz Hameuchad, (Hebrew). Link to pdf file
3. Sagi, A., Mayseless, O., Aviezer, O., Donnell, F., Joels, T., Harel, Y., & Tuvia, M. (1990).Early day care in the kibbutz: An ecological experiment. In E. Becchi (Ed.), Il Bambino e Gli Altri (pp. 161-173). Bergamo, Italy: Jeveniilia editrice s.r.l. (Italian). Link to pdf file
4. Mayseless, O. (1993). Youth at the end of the eighties: Political attitudes and ideological patterns. In Tal. M. (Ed.), Youth and Politics - Tenth symposium on youth movements research (pp. 21-28). Efal, Israel: Yad Tabenkin. (Hebrew).
5. Mayseless, O. (1993). Attitudes toward military service among Israeli youth. In D. Ashkenazy (Ed.), The Military in the Service of Society and Democracy (pp. 32-35). Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. [Parts of this chapter were published in a different version in Gal & Mayseless, 1990]. Link to pdf file
6. Mayseless, O. (1995). Towards military service. In H. Flum (Ed), Adolescents in Israel: personal, familial and social aspects.Even-Yehuda, Israel: Reches (Hebrew). Link to pdf file
7. Mayseless, O. (1995). Attachment patterns and marital relationships. In S. Shulman (Ed.) Close Relationships and Socioemotional Development. (pp. 185-202)Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex. Link to pdf file
8. Mayseless, O., & Scharf, M. (2001). Cohesion and relative power in family relationships and adolescent coping with a real-life stressful situation. In T. M. Gehring, M. Debry, & P. K. Smith (Eds.), The Family System Test FAST: Theory and application (pp. 157-176). Hove, East Sussex, UK: Brunner-Routledge. Link to pdf file
9. Popper, M., & Mayseless, O. (2002). Internal world of transformational leaders. In B. Avolio, & F. Yammarino, (Eds). Transformational and charismatic leadership, Volume 2 (pp. 203-229). New York: Elsevier Science Publications. Link to pdf file
[order of authorship was randomly determined and does not reflect relative contribution]
10. Mayseless, O. & Scharf, M. (2003). What does it mean to be an Adult? The Israeli Experience. In J.J. Arnett, N.L. Galambos (Eds.), New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development (#100): Exploring cultural conceptions of the transition to adulthood. San Francisco, CA: Wiley, Jossey-Bass. Link to pdf file
11. Mayseless, O., & Salomon, G. (2003). Dialectic contradictions in the experiences of Israeli Jewish adolescents: Efficacy and stress, closeness and friction, and conformity and non-compliance. In F. Pajares, & T. Urdan, (Eds.) Adolescence and Education, Volume III: International perspectives on adolescence (pp. 149-171). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Link to pdf file
12. Mayseless, O. (2005). Ontogeny of attachment in middle childhood: Conceptualization of normative changes. In K.A. Kerns, & R.A. Richardson (Eds.), Attachment in middle childhood (pp. 1-23). New York: Guilford. Link to pdf file
13. Mayseless, O., & Salomon, G. (2005). Characteristics of youth in Israel: Complementary and contradictory poles, self-assurance and stress, closeness and friction, conformity and disobedience. In G. Rahav, Y. Wozner, & M. Wander Schwartz, (Eds.).Youth in Israel, 2004 (pp. 141-161). The interdisciplinary center for the study of policy and care of children and youth, Bob Shafel School of Social Work, University of Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew)
14. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O. (2005). Israeli youth – what do they have in their life? their parents, their parents and their parents. In G. Rahav, Y. Wozner, & M. Wander Schwartz, (Eds.).Youth in Israel, 2004 (pp. 119-140). The Interdisciplinary Center for Children and Youth Studies, Bob Shapell School of Social Work, University of Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew)
15. Mayseless, O. (2005). Parents' authority, teachers' authority: cultural characteristics of Israeli society. In E. Paldi, (Ed.) Education and Challenge of Time 2 (pp. 257-269). Reches: Tel Aviv. (Hebrew).
16. Mayseless, O. (2006). Studying parenting representations as a window to parents’ internal working model of caregiving. In O. Mayseless, (Ed.), Parenting representations: Theory, research, and clinical implications. (pp. 3 - 40). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Link to pdf file
17. Mayseless, O., & Scharf, M. (2006). Maternal representations of parenting in adolescence and psychosocial functioning of mothers and adolescents. In O. Mayseless, (Ed.), Parenting representations: Theory, research, and clinical implications (pp. 208-238). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Link to pdf file
18. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O. (2007). Putting eggs in more than one basket: A new look at developmental processes of attachment in adolescence. (pp. 1-22) In M. Scharf, & O. Mayseless (Eds). Attachment in Adolescence: Reflections and New Angles: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. (No. 117). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass (Wiley). [Reed W. Larson, Kene Arnett Jensen, Editors-in Chief]. Link to pdf file
19. Mayseless, O. & Scharf, M. (2010). Respecting others and being respected can reduce aggression in parent-child relations and schools. In P. R. Shaver, & M. Mikulincer, (Eds.) Human Aggression and Violence: Causes, Manifestations, and Consequences (pp. 277 – 294). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
20. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O. (2010). Finding the authentic self in a communal culture: Developmental goals in emerging adulthood. In S. Shulman & J.E. Nurmi ( Eds. ), The role of goals in navigating individual lives during emerging adulthood (pp. 83-95). New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 130, San Francisco. CA, USA: Jossey-Bass.
21. Mayseless, O & Russo-Netzer, P. (2012). The interplay of self transcendence and psychological maturity among Israeli college students. In A.E.A., Warren, R. M., Lerner, & E. Phelps, (Eds.). Thriving and Spirituality among Youth: Research Perspectives and Future Possibilities (pp. 289 – 307). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
22. Mayseless, O. (2012). And what is beyond self actualization? On the application of transpersonal perspectives to education. In Y., Tadmor, & A., Freimann, (Eds.), Education – Core and Essence (pp. 269 – 280) Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute. [in Hebrew]
23. Popper, M., & Mayseless, O. (2013). Addendum: Additional insights derived from associating attachment theory with leadership (pp. 265-269). In B. J. Avolio, & F.J. Yammarino (Eds.) Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: 10th Anniversary Edition: the Road Ahead (2ed Ed.). Bingley UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
24. Mayseless, O. (2016). Caring and Meaning in Psychotherapy. In P. Russo-Netzer, S.E. Schulenberg, & A. Batthyany (Eds).,Clinical Perspectives on Meaning (pp. 363-381). Springer International Publishing.
25. Mayseless, O. (accepted for publication). The Development of Care. In L. Arnett Jensen (Ed.), Handbook of Moral Development: An Interdisciplinary Perspective to be published in Oxford University Press.