Prof. Ofra Mayseless | פרופ׳ עפרה מייזלס

School of Psychotherapy, Counseling and Human Development

University of Haifa

My Writings On Spirituality

1. מייזלס ע. (2006). 'האם ניתן ליישם את המתודולוגיה המדעית לחקר רוחניות?'. הכנס השישי של האגודה הישראלית להיסטוריה ופילוסופיה של המדעים. קישור לקובץ

2. Birnbaum, L., Birnbaum, A. & Mayseless, O. (2008). 'The role of spirituality in mental health Interventions: A developmental perspective'.The International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, 27, 65-73. Link to the pdf file

3. Mayseless, O. (2008). The inclusion of spirituality in psychotherapy: developmental levels, personal processes, and moral dilemmas. Presented at a conference on: New Expressions of Spirituality Szeged, Hungary, 7-8 November 2008. Link to PDF file

4. Mayseless O., & Keren, E. (2014). Finding a meaningful life as a developmental task in emerging adulthood: The domains of love and work across cultures. Emerging Adulthood, 2, 63-73. Link to PDF file

5. Russo-Netzer, P., & Mayseless, O. (2014). Spiritual identity outside institutional religion: A phenomenological exploration . Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 14, 19-42. Link to PDF file

6. Scharf, M., & Mayseless, O. (2010). Finding the authentic self in a communal culture: Developmental goals in emerging adulthood. In S. Shulman & J.E. Nurmi ( Eds. ), The role of goals in navigating individual lives during emerging adulthood (pp. 83-95). New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 130, San Francisco. CA, USA: Jossey-Bass. Link to PDF file

7. Mayseless, O & Russo-Netzer, P. (2012). The interplay of self transcendence and psychological maturity among Israeli college students. In A.E.A., Warren, R. M., Lerner, & E. Phelps, (Eds.). Thriving and Spirituality among Youth: Research Perspectives and Future Possibilities (pp. 289 – 307). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Link to PDF file

8. מייזלס, עפרה (2012). ומה מעבר למימוש עצמי? על יישומן של תפיסות על-אישיות בחינוך. בתוך: ישעיהו תדמור ועמיר פריימן (עורכים), חינוך - מהות ורוח, (עמ' 280-269). תל אביב: מכון מופ"ת. קישור לקובץ.

9. מייזלס, ע. רוחניות וחינוך. (2014). עיונים בחינוך, מהדורה מיוחדת 40 שנה לכתב העת, 99-118. קישור לקובץ

10. Russo-Netzer, P.,  & Mayseless, O. (2014). Spiritual identity outside institutional religion: A phenomenological exploration. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 14, 19-42. Link to PDF File


11. Russo-Netzer, P., & Mayseless, O. (2017). Spiritual change outside institutional religion as inner work on the self: Deep within and beyond. Journal of Adult Development, 24(1), 1-14. Link to PDF File


12. Mayseless, O. & Russo-Netzer, P. (2017). A vision for the farther reaches of spirituality: A phenomenologically based model of spiritual development and growth. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, Vol 4(3), 176-192. Link to PDF File


13. Naor, L., & Mayseless, O. (2017). How personal transformation occurs following a single peak experience in nature: A phenomenological Account. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, DOI: 0022167817714692. Link to PDF File


14. חוברת מאמרים על "שערים לרוח בפסיכותרפיה" בכתב העת פסיכואקטואליה בהוצאת שפ"י (הסתדרות הפסיכולוגים בישראל)    יולי 2019 גיליון 75  לינק לחוברת                                                                                                                                                   

15. Naor, L., & Mayseless, O. (2020). The therapeutic value of experiencing spirituality in nature. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 7(2), 114.  


15.  Naor, L., & Mayseless, O. (2020). The wilderness Solo experience: A unique practice of silence and solitude for personal growth. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2303. 

16. Freimann, A., & Mayseless, O. (2020). Surrender to another person: The case of a spiritual master. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, DOI: 0022167820975636. 

17. Naor, L., & Mayseless, O. (2021). The art of working with nature in nature-based therapies. Journal of Experiential Education, 44(2), 184-202. 

 18. Naor, L., & Mayseless, O. (2021). The therapeutic process in nature-based therapies from the perspectives of facilitators: A qualitative inquiry. Ecopsychology, 13(4), 284-293. 

 19. Naor, L., & Mayseless, O. (2021). Therapeutic factors in nature-based therapies: Unraveling the therapeutic benefits of integrating nature in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.), 58, 576-590.

 20. Mayseless, O., & Kizel, A. (2022). Preparing youth for participatory civil society: A call for spiritual, communal, and pluralistic humanism in education with a focus on community of philosophical inquiry. International Journal of Educational Research, 115, 102015. 


21. Mayseless, O., & Ruah-Midbar Shapiro, M. (2024). Veiling and unveiling: Caution in explicitly integrating Jewish spirituality in psychotherapy in Israel. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. Advanced online publication.


22. Freimann, A., Mayseless, O., Hart, T., & Johnson, A. (2024). Living transcendence: A phenomenological study of spiritual exemplars. The Humanistic Psychologist. Advanced online publication.