Prof. Ofra Mayseless | פרופ׳ עפרה מייזלס

School of Psychotherapy, Counseling and Human Development

University of Haifa

99 Aba Khoushy Ave., Mount Carmel Haifa, 3498838, Israel

Room 526, Education Building  

Cellular: +972-506200242

Professor of Developmental Psychology and a Clinical psychologist

Head of The Center for the Study of Human Spirituality

A multi-university center based at the University of Haifa

(The center has been approved by the University of Haifa and is currently under construction)

The Center's Objectives are:

Previous Academic and Professional Appointments

Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa (2006-2012)

Head of Pedagogical Affairs, Ministry of Education Israel (2012-2013) (the highest national authority on curriculum and pedagogy) 

Research Interests

Currently, Spiritual Development, and previously attachment, caring, parents-children relationships, transition to adulthood, search for meaning,

Published Books

          An authored Book published by Oxford University Press.  (New Window)

          An edited book published by Cambridge University Press.  View the Book's dedication (New Window)

         An edited book by Ofra Mayseless and Pninit Russo-Netzer by Oxford University Press

 Major Recent Projects and Initiatives

Teaching with the Heart and Mind: A translational research project with five principal investigators from the University of Haifa and Bar Ilan University

Funded by the Israel Science Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Education as a center of excellence dedicated to study the Incorporation of 21st Century Skills in Elementary Schools

A MOOC (Massive Online Open Course):  Yes We Care - Creating a Benevolent Culture in Education (A collaboration of four academic institutions)

Jewish Psychotherapy: A pioneering study on integrating spirituality in psychotherapy

Funded by the John Templeton Foundation and the participation and direction of Brigham Young University 

MA Concentration in Integrative Psychotherapy Mind-Body-Spirit  The first academic graduate program in Israel that integrates mind, body, and spirit in psychotherapy. (Mayseless is the initiator of the specialization and its head)

 Organization of Conferences (in collaboration with others)

The Israeli Conference on Contemporary Spiritualities - nine times (started 2009)

Contemplative Pedagogy The first Israeli conference dedicated to Contemplative Education (2018)

Gates to Spirituality in Psychotherapy and Counselling (2019) 

Graduate students (link to list)

 Additional Information

Ouri Mayseless Web site האתר לזכרו של אורי מייזלס 



 The Israeli Conferences for the Study of Contemporary Spiritualities (New Window)

General Select Publications on Spirituality

My Writings On Spirituality


Academic Resources